Hospital and clinic monitoring

The medical environment is an ever-changing tapestry. If you’re a facility director, supervisor, or manager of a healthcare institution and you’ve been looking to boost efficiency, We are the Icon for your  Internet of Things (IoT) solution.

Consider yourself the doctor of your medical facilities. Just as the human body requires regular checkups, your health care facility’s functions like hospital fridge or Vaccine freezer temperature monitoring also need to be addressed. How are you supposed to keep track of doors left open and still do your job? We take the most important things you’re concerned about and puts them on your mobile device.

We can help you easily take care of all your data-logging compliance needs from the clinic and hospital refrigerator and freezer temperature monitoring systems to door status monitoring to water detection monitoring.

We grant peace of mind to busy healthcare professionals just like you all over the world. There’s enough stress at work. Take some of that burden off your shoulders and trust your facility’s health to our Wireless Sensors.

What we provide

Recommended Sensors

Like people, your hospital can also run a temperature. we offer a Standard and Digital Wireless Temperature Sensor to measure conditions between -40°C (-40°F) and +125°C (+257°F). Our Low-Temperature Sensors are ideal for ultralow hospital and clinic freezer temperature monitoring (-80°C/-112°F and below) of COVID-19 vaccines and other vital pharmaceuticals. Modify settings and manage accurate time-stamped data-logging readings for medical refrigerator and freezer temperature monitoring from any mobile device. Don’t let your hospital get sick; use our solution..

Was the door to the pharmacy or medical fridge accidentally left open? What about the janitor’s closet? Every medical facility has areas that are restricted or semi-restricted. Let a Wireless Open-Closed Sensor monitor these access points for you. They’re great for monitoring medical storage, operating, scrubbing, sterile supply, pharmaceutical supply, and more rooms or areas. With our Open-Closed Sensors, we help you put more safeguards in place for medical storage wireless monitoring and hospital freezer wireless monitoring. One more way we grant you greater control over your facility.

Managing indoor air quality (IAQ) in hospital and clinic ventilation is imperative. The Wireless Air Quality PM Meter measures PM1, PM2.5, and PM10 concentrations in the atmosphere. This is key to limiting the presence of airborne viruses and other harmful bacteria in patients. Air Quality PM Meters will work in virtually any area as an added safety measure for hospital and clinic remote monitoring.  Our devices grant you greater control over your ventilation system.

A healthy, high-performing HVAC system is key to reducing infections and improving patient comfort in healthcare institutions. Able to read air pressure from -500 Pa to 500 Pa, the Differential Air Pressure Meter uses two ports to assess air circulation. If proper indoor air quality is top of your mind, We are here to lend you assistance.

The suggested relative humidity range (RH) for hospitals is 40% to 60% RH. Healthcare applications or areas where maintaining healthy and comfortable humidity levels is essential can include clinic fridges, hospital freezers, medical storage, patient rooms, and OR monitoring. A Wireless Humidity Sensor aids in maintaining this fragile balance by alerting you if levels dip or rise beyond desired thresholds. Our Solution is the best way to ensure patients and health care workers alike are happy and healthy.

The intrusion of water is a source of a vast amount of problems in any medical facility. Place a Wireless Water Detection Plus Sensor or Water Puck at the site of frequent leaks to detect water at the first sign of trouble. There are many critical areas where a Water Detection Sensor makes sense in a hospital setting to prevent water damage or slips and falls—areas like bathrooms, boiler rooms, near water heaters, cafeterias, vaccine freezers, ice machines, and more. A Water Rope Sensor detects leaks anywhere along the length of its cable for more extended detection areas. Our Solution has the device to detect leaks and water pooling anywhere within your healthcare facility.

The Wireless Motion Detection Sensors use passive infrared technology to detect activity in a contained environment. Without the risk of pictures or video imaging, a PIR Motion Detection sensor does not compromise patient or employee confidentiality regulations. This helps with auditing activity in restricted areas of long-term care facilities, rehab centers, clinics, and hospitals.

Monitor the flow of vehicles in a parking garage, the pharmacy drive-through, an entrance to a COVID-19 testing or vaccination location, and outside the ER entrance with our Wireless Vehicle Detect/Counter Sensor. Set a 9-foot hose to detect or count any vehicle with rubber tires. As with all our Sensors, data is automatically logged and time-stamped for easy auditing.


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