Real time and buffer locations
Real time location updates can be as frequent as 3s. Up to 49,000 location points can be saved in buffer if out of network coverage.

LTEM Global Bands
4G CAT-1 network global bands with 2G fallback is supported

Ignition on/off alerts
Alerts for engine is switched on or off

Disconnection alerts
Alerts for device disconnected from power

Driving behaviour detection
Detecting reckless driving events such as harsh acceleration, turning, braking, crash and speeding

Waterproof (optional)
Optional IP67 waterproof casing

External power DC 5V – 32V
Wide range of external power supported

BLE 4.2 for sensors
Compatible with TOPFLYtech’s BLE temp & humi sensor TSTH1-B, temp & door sensor TSDT1-B, wireless relay TSR1-B and your own sensors

Multiple I/Os
Multiple digital I/Os, compatible with wiring relay, buzzer and siren for vehicle immobilisation for anti-theft